Hearing Aid Selection and Fitting
Our audiologist will ensure that you receive a hearing aid with the best possible settings and adjustments tailored to your individual needs. We take great care to maximize its performance and value, so you can take advantage of every aspect of your device.
From the sea of options, our audiologists will help you select the right hearing aid with the appropriate type, features, color, shape, and size to fit your specific needs and lifestyle preferences. With our assistance, you can be sure you will get the most out of your hearing aids.
We are devoted to making Real Ear Measurements (REM) an essential part of our hearing aid fitting process. To ensure that the sound amplification output of your device is appropriate when it reaches the eardrum, our audiologist will rely on real ear measurement or probe-microphone measurement techniques.
Becoming comfortable with your hearing aids requires some instruction on how to insert, use, and care for them. Setting them in the proper position in your ears can take some practice, and we will help you learn how to insert them on your own.
Particularly for those with manual dexterity issues, it may take a minute to be able to handle your aids and place them in the proper position within your ears. Though not all aids require it, you may need to set the volume on your hearing aids, and our specialists can help you select the correct starting level. You shouldn’t need to manipulate the volume very often, so it is important to get going at the right place on the spectrum of volume. Maintaining your aids is another important aspect of instruction. Keeping them charged up and free of waxy buildup, moisture, and debris will keep your hearing aids functioning far into the future.
In the transition to using assistive technology, many issues may arise. You may resist wearing them because they are unfamiliar to you. Some people would prefer to only wear their hearing aids at home when they are alone and need to be aware of alerts. Others only put them in for parties, family gatherings, and larger events where conversation will be difficult. Our counseling can help you bridge the gap between all the settings where hearing aids will be useful, especially how to use them in communication with others. You may resist wearing hearing aids at first, feeling a stigma of some kind, but a conversation with your audiologist can help you understand how great the benefits will be to your lifestyle and general health. Hearing is linked with surprising other health outcomes, and assistive technology can help in ways you might have never imagined.
The essential piece of the puzzle, of course, is to make sure to wear your hearing aids regularly. They are only as effective as they are put into use. We will assist with the transition to hearing aids should help you reap the benefits far into the future.
Not only do we point you in the right direction on the path of hearing assistance, but we are also there with you as you continue down the road, available to assist with any issues that you encounter and to make sure that you continue hearing at your best far into the future.